The Department of Energy (DOE) respects the privacy of its stakeholders and complies with Republic Act No. 10173 also known as the Data Privacy Act of 2012,
its Implementing Rules and Regulations, and other issuances of the National Privacy Commission. DOE recognizes the importance of protecting information
collected from data subjects and has adopted privacy policy and notices[] to inform users about how DOE gathers,
stores, and uses information for the purpose of processing information as mandated by R.A 7638 (Department of Energy Act of 1992) and other DOE policy issuances.
Personal Information indicated in this Company Registration will be used by DOE for the implementation, monitoring, verification and enforcement of the
DOE Energy Labeling Program purposes only. Upon Company Registration, you have explicitly given your consent to DOE to process your data for the purposes mentioned
above. Information collected are considered confidential and private.
No information will be disclosed and shared to third parties without the individual's consent.